Friday, August 13, 2010



In this goal, they could sustain their level and if possible, it would rise up to the next level.They are planning to developed the standard in teaching in every courses. It helps the new fresh high school graduates to enroll in our university because of the new courses that they offered, and through that, it must be handed with a good facilities and a good professors and instructors to aim their standard curriculum for global competitiveness.

GOAL 2: Pursue Excellence in Research

In this goal, emphasizes the totality of result of producing a best quality research.Through the cooperation of some organization and from the university itself, we could be known as one of the universities which can produce best research.The University is lack of teachers that should be able to help the students in their research and also the lack of facilities. No matter what we say or do, we should always strive to make our very best.

GOAL 3: Pursue Excellence in Extension

In this goal, it talks about the collaboration outside the university wherein with the help of other partnership, we can attain to have the excellence mark by means of collaborative method.In community outreached program, it is good for the students in this university because it is somehow a tool for quality assurance of the learning opportunities for children and young people outside of normal lesson time delivered as part of schools' extended services.

GOAL 4: Establish the Center of Energy and Environment

In this goal, it is emphasize the research works related to conserving the energy and environment.There were so many problems in the university that should be solved, but if there's a way that students and other stakeholders can support it to promote this center, it could come up a good output on this plan.Through this an individual can give importance to the environment and learn how to be an agent of change. The university thinks of the ways how to maximize the research work by giving equipments to the researchers.

GOAL 5: Promote Student Affairs, Welfare and Success

In this goal, it talks about the over all and standard of a student. It said that a student should be competitive and more knowledgeable in many aspects that will enhance their skills, competences and qualities which could help them to be successful in their fields. By this plan of the university, they give importance of the students in the campus and developed their skills and abilities and to enhanced more on it.

GOAL 6: Maximize Library and other Resource Support to the Teaching

In this goal, they are more on reconstructing and constructing infrastructure that would help to improve students learning skills. By this, they could also sustain the qualities of the learning center. But for me, E-library is very useless for the reason that we could not access in the internet whenever we want to and we cannot directly save our work because we cannot find yahoo-mail and if we use flask disk, our files will be corrupted.Some of the websites are not available, some were blocked. the internet access is so slow and because of that, many students complained and they rather go to an internet cafe.In the Library, they should give importance because not all books are available there and somehow, the area is quite hot.

GOAL 7: Implement Massive Infrastructure Development

In this goal, all equipments which are needed in building up the university are quiet difficult to achieve but if they would start to put it up, then there is no impossible. I suggest that the university have a small church, so that the students want to pray, they went to the small church.

GOAL 8: Implement Massive Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Development.

In this goal, some of the students do not know how to operate computers even some of the teachers. I would suggest that there should be a computer class so that while the university is busy in improving the ICT, also the students and teachers will not be left behind for some new advancement of ICT or technology. Nowadays, people and other jobs are dealing with high technologies; it is a good plan for the students and to the teachers. It is a big deal because the mission of the school is to develop a high competence student.

GOAL 9: Pursue Outstanding Human and Organizational Development

In this goal, students,teachers and other stakeholders were involved in this plan are the people who are important to implement this goal. It will helped the communication and the relationship of the students and other people. They must helped each other in case there's a problem in the campus. It will have a strong bond of the learners and the stakeholders. But some of the organizations here in the campus right now where not able to do their duties as a responsible leader in an organization.

GOAL 10: : Ensure more Efficient and Effective Resource Management and Generation

In this goal, sometimes financial is the main issue in a particular area, the budgeting of money shall be implements and observed quietly. Some of the organization in the university were not spanding the budget properly. They cannot present any liquidation and receipt.They must have an update the accounts of the students and explain the students on why and how their payments are increased, because we sometimes knocked our knees when we saw our balanced increased without knowing why.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

my youth choir ('_')

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

You are Mine by David Haas

Sunday, August 1, 2010

my portfolio