Monday, June 21, 2010

ICT Policies and Strategies


-As I can see the ICT policies and strategies of New Zealand, New Zealand is the world's highest access to telecommunications per capita,with the cost of accessing the internet being almost as low as it is in the united states.New Zealanders have been buying computers, signing up to enternet service provider's , and going online at an internationally impressive rate. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) strategies for school, 2002-2004 has been developed in consultation with schools, researchers, tertiary education providers, business, and others. The international research project New Zealand participated in, and the information communication technologies .
-I have notice that it has a big contribution to the learners and teachers, ICT is responsible for professional development in schools and they improves administartive efficiency at the level of the classroom and the schools.


-The Australia they with its vast territories and despersed population has long been known for its successful distance education programmes to provide education to those who live in remote places in the outback.
* There are 5 keys action areas concerning the manner of ICT introduction are specified:
1. People- improved learning outcomes for students, supported by educational leaders, teachers and administration.
2. Infrastructure- access to an advanced ICT infrastructure that supports teaching and learning.
3. Content and services- application of online resources and services that supports continuous improvement in curricula.
4.Supporting policies- policies that support the integration of ICTs in schools.
5. Enabling Regulation- A legal framework in Australia that supports rather than inhibits the use of new ICTs to enhance learning.
These keys are very important to us because it is the highest priorities identified are insuring that sufficient bandwidth is available to all schools at affordable rates, providing both pre-service and ongoing professional development for all teachers and students must have access to quality digital resources that supports the curricula.


-In HONGKONG the strategy outlines aims to harness the power of ICT to turn schools into dynamic and innovative learning institutions, where students can become more motivated, inquisitive, creative and independent lifelong learners. The government will provide schools with a threshold level of hardware, technical support and an appropriate network infrastructure for collaboration and communication between the educational sectors and the community.Teachers will be trained at four different levels to become effective facilitators, guiding the students to play a more active role in learning.


-When the first masterplan was launched in 1997, the underlying rationale behind the plan was that sudents needed to acquire skills such as the ability to think independently and creativity, to be competent and confident problem- solvers, and to be life- long learners. Teachers are the key to the effective use of IT to enhance teaching and learning. The focus of professional development is to create sustainable proficiency and to meet the varied needs of our teacher who are at different stages of IT use in their curriculum. Teachers should also be supported and recognised for their efforts in using IT.
As teachers and pupils will increasingly be accessing rich online resources, access should be readily available as and when needed. The infrastructure should be able to support the delivery of rich multimedia instructional content.


-Malaysia was implemented the first computer system in 1996, the government has introduced various initiatives to facilitate the greater integration of ICT to improve capacities in every area of life, including the enhancement of education and training programme.The education system is in the process of being transformed, to create a new generation of more creative and innovative Malaysians who are adept with new technologies and able to access and manage the information explosion. Furthermore, “Vision 2020”, Malaysia's long-term vision, calls for sustained, productivity-driven growth, possible only with a technologically literate, critically thinking workforce, prepared to participate fully in the global economy of the 21st century.